Friday 3 August 2012

A little bit about me

Hello :-)

In order to practice my blogging skills for work, I've decided to set up both a Blogger and a Wordpress blog.  My previous McGarvey Genealogy blog is now being migrated to my new Wordpress blog Northern Irish Ancestry which allows me to talk about more than just McGarvey's!  I hope to build the Wordpress site into a complete family tree for both my family and my husband's family.  With over 1000 members in our combined trees, this may take a while to complete.

I have also decided to keep this as a small personal blog which will allow me to rant from time to time, upload embarrassing photographs, express my opinions and generally drool over Jeremy Renner and Uma Thurman. 

I have pretty varied interests, and I usually find that I have something in common with most people.  
My interests are: Genealogy, Ancient History, Classics, Performing Arts, Science Fiction and Fantasy. 
I have a particular interest in the reception of Greek and Roman Mythology and how this is reflected in our culture.  I also have a passion for the history of my local area, Belfast and for the history of Belfast's people.

Please do leave me a comment.  It would be nice to know if there's anybody out there :-)




  1. I'm sure it'll just be a fad, but hey, I'm here for a while :-)
