we went to see Avengers Assemble at the Waterfront Hall. Initially
meant to be part of a Movie Superheroes weekend, all the other events
were cancelled. Of course Dylan and I had already seen the film and
loved it, but we were looking forward to seeing it again on an even
bigger screen.
There were a lot of geeks in the room, including many who had dressed for the occasion. Dylan was delighted when both the Hulk and Captain America sat directly behind us.
We were welcomed with a very polite Good Afternoon message.
the screen announced 'Now follows a short film about Scarlett
Johansson's butt'. The teenage boys in the room were delighted and
the Captain America sitting behind us agreed wholeheartedly.
what a film!
Avengers Assemble is something special. It's a film that provides numerous opportunities for laughing, not only at the heroes, but also at ourselves. When Agent Coulson produces his vintage trading cards, we laugh because we recognise ourselves. When Stark announces “That man over there is playing Galaga. Thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did”, we know that reference is to us, playing solitaire in work, or logging into facebook in school.
Avengers Assemble is something special. It's a film that provides numerous opportunities for laughing, not only at the heroes, but also at ourselves. When Agent Coulson produces his vintage trading cards, we laugh because we recognise ourselves. When Stark announces “That man over there is playing Galaga. Thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did”, we know that reference is to us, playing solitaire in work, or logging into facebook in school.
Director Josh Whedon kills off Agent Coulson, every geek sees a
mirror image of themselves die. We have the trading cards, we think
we'd face up to the enemy, we would certainly blow Loki away with a
big gun, and yes, we would probably die trying. However Coulson's
(our) death gives our heroes something to avenge and so we don't mind
at all.
Waterfront is a great place to watch a big film. Every comic line
was met with much laughter, the end credits produced applause and
almost everyone stayed for Thanos' appearance after the credits.
Everyone left with a smile on their face and Dylan practised his
Avengers moves on the Waterfront's walls.
Jeremy Renner however has without doubt, the best butt in the film.
Scarlett Johansson, you don't get a look in.
great post account of the day can't agree with your last statement however. lol
ReplyDeletegreat post account of the day can't agree with your last statement however. lol